Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stopped Again

I've stopped smoking again. Cold turkey, just like that. 2 and 1/2 weeks now and now only occasional spasms of pure need. Normally at about 5 O Clock in the afternoon.I resist of course and have another biscuit. Soon I'll have to give up biscuits, donuts and all sugary foodstuffs as well, before I feature on a channel 4 documentary where they have remove the back wall of the house to get me out. I do feel however like I've left a club that I was a member of for 30 years.All be it a club that was killing me slowly. However this club was where you picked up the gossip and where you could legitimately take a break without people questioning the need. Not that I work for an oppressive type of organisation , it just feels less right to loiter around outside without a cigarette in hand.Also it still retains that element of " couldn't care less " and a small whiff of danger. I will miss it, though not the wheeziness and shortness of breath or the smell or the yellow teeth and most certainly not the financial aspect. I will miss smoking because it means I have somehow become more sensible and responsible. Which I know in itself is a pretty stupid and childish attitude to take.

My stubbornness seems to increase and I get pretty dogmatic when I stop smoking, whether less oxygen getting my brain in some way dopes me and keeps me mellow, spo i need to learn to reign in the madness a little and relax again.

I will keep you posted....

1 comment:

  1. Dogmatic, you, Nah!!
    They won't need to remove the door to get you out, the roof is falling off anyway, they'll just airlift you out of the gaping hole.
